Photo by Luca Baini on Unsplash

How to Get Settled in New Zealand

Step#1: A big Welcome at first! Kia Ora! We are glad you came. For now just get settled in your hostel or any other kind of accomondation, have a little walk around the city to get a first impression and relax. You are proably tired, so just let everything be and get a little used to your new enviroment.

Step#2: Get an IRD number. In order to work in New Zealand legally you need an IRD number so you can work and pay taxes. ‘Cause everbody likes to pay taxes, right?! Easiest way to apply for an IRD number is at a post office or an AA Driver Licensing Agent. You just fill out a form and make sure to bring your passport and one other kind of ID with you or an ‘Offer of Employment’ letter on company headed paper. After you succesfully filled out your application and handed it in, you’ll get a confirmation letter with your personal IRD number about 2 weeks later. But no worries you can start working immediately but you’ll have to give the documents to your employer as soon as you received them.

Step#3: Set up a bank account. Because you’ll need a place to put your well-earned money to keep it save from you, you will need a bank account. For that you have to choose a bank first. They all have slightly different offers. Here is a quick overview of a few popular options:

Westpac: With the Access Account you can either pay a monthly fee of $10 and get unlimted free transactions included or choose the Pay-as-you-go option where you don’t have to pay a monthly fee but pay per transaction about 40-55cents.

BNZ: The Smart Money Account is for everyone under 30. It has no monthly fees and the most expensive electronic transactions are free. After that transactions cost a fee of 35-75 cents applies. Or you apply for a MyMoney account for what you have to pay a monthly fee of $5 and get unlimted free transactions.

ASB: The Streamline account costs $3.50 per month and you get unlimted electronic transactions. But manual transactions will cost you $3 each. With the Omni account you don’t pay a monthly fee, just 40-80cents per transaction.

Step#4: Get a job. Well yeah, we all knew this point will come but you won’t surrive if you’re broke, so what is the solution to an empty wallet?! Yes, work your cute little butt off! In New Zealand a lot of typical backpacker jobs are Fruitpicking in the season, waiting, teleselling or pick-packing. These available jobs don’t require any or much experience. Someimes there are also jobs in the hostels available so just ask at reception when you arrive. Just have a look at all the different offers on our website. Always have a CV and a cover letter ready, so the best is to prepare these while you’re still at home, and keep it updated through out your travel.

Step#5: Enjoy your time and discover this beautiful country. Never forget that you are also here to have fun and enjoy yourself. Sure, working is important so you can afford all the fun and you don’t have to miss out on an amazing skydive or a crazy bungy jump. But you are also here to have a break from your everyday working life back home. So to sum it up: ‘Work hard, Party hard!’

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